


Changelog June 2022

  • You can now configure Monorepo Build Filters using the Dashboard. Opt-in to enable Build Filters in Early Access on the settings page for your team or account.
  • We've launched a newsletter! We'll be sharing product updates and awesome content from both the Render team and the community! Subscribe here (monthly frequency, no spam, unsubscribe anytime).
  • The Git repository picker used to create a new service has been updated. It now surfaces more context such as connected Git providers and accounts, as well as the last updated time for your connected repositories.
  • We have created a guide and Deploy to Render button example that explains how to upload PostgreSQL backups to AWS S3 using a Render Cron Job.
  • The service settings page in the Dashboard has received a refresh.
  • Additional metrics are now available for our Datadog Database monitoring integration.
  • We have added screen reader support for service logs and the web shell in the Dashboard.
  • Teams can now opt in to early access features on the Team Settings Dashboard page.
  • We continue to improve logging reliability.
  • Redis plan can now be changed in a Blueprint.