


Changelog September 2021

There are three announcements to spotlight this month! A new service view in the Dashboard, improvements to billing, and Render's brand new blog.
New Service View
CleanShot 2021-10-01 at 16
Services and databases are now shown in a sortable list. Additionally, we added a search box to filter the list.
PDF Invoices and Promo Codes
You can now download PDF invoices from the dashboard.
You can also enter promo codes to redeem coupons and credits. Check it out for yourself on the billing page! Use
before November 1, 2021 to get $5 off on your next Render bill. Promotions will automatically appear on your next invoice. You can also view your credit balance on the billing page.
Render Blog
We launched the Render Blog to share announcements, what we're working on, and other topics we're excited about.
One More Thing
We said three spotlight features, but PostgreSQL 14 deserves to be included. It launched on September 30, and is available for all new databases on Render.
Improvements and Fixes
  • Cron jobs will use standard Render plans with varying CPU and memory, effective October 1, 2021.
  • The dashboard now displays absolute timestamps when you hover over relative timestamps.
  • GitHub Deployment status is now set to
    when a Render deploy is canceled.
  • Service URLs are now included in Slack deploy notifications.
  • Doppler in native language environments was bumped to 3.31.1.
  • The default version for Python Poetry was bumped to 1.1.8.
  • We now validate VAT numbers in billing information.