A export of metrics to New Relic
in progress
Richard Hallgren
Scout APM is today the only supported application performance monitor tool for exports of metrics (memory, CPU and bandwidth).
Would love support for New Relics (https://newrelic.com/) as it has better support for browser performance monitoring, logs and more well suited pricing for smaller businesses.
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in progress
We'll be launching this capability in Q1! You'll be able to stream all your service metrics to the provider of your choice, including New Relic.
Art Mills
This really is an important feature and pretty simple. I wrote the code and had things ready, but was blocked activating it with a simple curl command through the SSH console.
No sudo rights.
You could turn on New Relic with a button that simply allows us to run an elevated curl command with New Relic in the signature or something.
ScoutAPM doesn't appear to support go, or I'd try it.
Dillon Powers
Will sending logs to new relic work currently? This would be useful
Anurag Goel
Not New Relic, but we support exporting Render metrics to Datadog now: https://github.com/render-examples/datadog-agent
Maryann Gong
Anurag Goel: Thanks! Do you know if exporting to New Relic is on the roadmap?
Anurag Goel
Maryann Gong: we'd like to support New Relic; we'll keep this feature request open.
Pedro Ferreira
Anurag Goel: I might be wrong, but it's my impression that the example provided for Datadog does not allow for sending Render service infrastructure metrics (memory, CPU, etc) to Datadog? It seems to be more for other performance metrics such as request duration?
Please correct me if I'm wrong - and if this is a reasonable doubt maybe the README in Github could explain more clearly how to do that?
Anurag Goel
Pedro Ferreira: That's correct. Users typically use a Datadog client library in their app to collect service metrics. Good point about the README.
Fay Wu
Anurag Goel: Hi! Is there any plan to allow sending service infra metrics like the previous poster mentioned? I'm trying to figure out what to do here – we need to be able to alert on these metrics, and we find it odd that it seems like we're not able to. Thanks!