Pritam Kundu
Dark mode has been released!
Paul-Louis Pröve
I would also like to see dark mode but mostly came here to say that I do like the redesign. Very clean and minimalist, which underlines what render.com tries to be. And you know how it is, if it looks like all the shadcn/ui apps out there, people complain about something not being original. If it looks new, people complain that it looks weird/old/ugly. Design is very subjective, but let's be honest, there's nothing about the UI that really deserves large amounts of criticism.
Michael Hellein
The new redesign is pretty bad. High contrast, sure, but all the square edges have done away with any affordances that tell you what you can interact with. 2012 is calling, and it wants its "minimal flat UI" back. But you know what is really missing? Dark mode! The dull, monochromatic design really emphasizes how much your eyes are burning out of your head from all that whitespace. I can live with bad aesthetics and bad UX patterns, but please please please add support for dark mode!
Roland Ayala
I just signed into render.com for first time to try it out. huh? 2024 and no dark mode? not a very good first impression. Seems like render.com doesn't know their customer (hint: devs who often work late into the night)
I just disabled DarkReader since the log highlighting on searches was looking off and then went to change my settings to dark mode...which lead me to this thread! Please, for the sake of our eyes and general human decency :) implement dark mode!!! -Thanks
Adebola Odufuwa
Dark mode is really needed.
Marty Cochrane
I see the new UI has rolled out, but I can't find the dark mode button. It's so close I can taste it.
Yes please
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