Decouple memory and CPU for plans
Kevin Grüneberg
While it's great to have prebuilt plans, requirements vary a lot. Some service require almost no memory and a lot of CPU or the other way around.
Right now, one always has to contact support for such custom plans, would be nice to have just select CPU/memory independent from each other for advanced plans.
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Tecnología IBISI
I totally agree, because maybe at the beginning my app only requires a little more RAM than the initial plan offers but without needing as much as what the next plan offers, so the possibility of this feature is welcome.
I agree, would like more options for a plan between the starter $7 512MB RAM 0.5 CPU and the $25 standard 2GB RAM 1 CPU plan. Am probably going to move to another platform because of this limitation.
Hi, it would be great if we can switch from one app paying $25 - standard pricing to another app within the dasboard- in other words, switching from instances but only paying $25 a month?
Anurag Goel
Merged in a post:
What happened to the previously announced per-CPU and per-RAM pricing options?
Marty Cochrane
With the pricing updates announced in November 2022, it was included that "In the future, we will introduce self-serve, custom compute plans with per-CPU and per-GB RAM pricing." as part of removing some of the Plus options.
Any updates to this? The jump between Starter -> Standard -> Pro is a big ask at the moment so more flexible pricing would be fantastic. Thanks!
Kevin Grüneberg
It does feel like a big step back that the $15 and $50 plans got removed. It already is quite inflexible and it got less flexible with the removal of the plans :/ I think a good example is how fly does it, with pretty flexible plans in terms of memory/cpu