Disable weak ciphers
Tyler Gearing
Using https://www.ssllabs.com/, caps at a B rating due to the server negotiating to use the weak cipher suite TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA. It would be nice to be able to disable this
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Anurag Goel
We've disabled weak ciphers so any new website on Render will have an A+ score on SSL Labs! If you added a custom domain to your site
May 19, 2022, please reach out to support to enable this feature. You can also remove and immediately add back your custom domain as a workaround, but Render won't serve traffic to your domain for the brief period when it's not attached to your service.C
Chris Chorley
Anurag Goel:
Hi, lovely to see this change go in and thank you for the update.
For my existing static sites should I just see the rating improve at some point when these changes go live, or do I need to take any action to make these changes apply?
If there is a delay to them going live is there something I can check for updates?
Anurag Goel
Chris Chorley: just updated my comment above. Sorry for the late response!