We're starting to use Render to host a lot systems/products and the Services page in our dashboard is becoming rather difficult to use (10+ services).
It's taking longer to find exactly the service we need as we have to scan the grid every time for the one we want. We would love if you could re-design the Services page to be a bit more useful for gauging the state of our deployments. Some suggestions:
  • Have only one column of services (not two) that expands across the entire page. This would make it much easier to scan the list.
  • Add a search bar to quickly filter for the product/service we need.
  • Add sorting options (alphabetical, updated at, usage, etc.)
  • Add a column for the current "Event" status. We would love to see which services are running, paused, deploying, and
    if any services had a failed build. We currently have to click into each service's detail page to get this information (very time-consuming).
  • Add a CPU/memory usage % column.
  • Add a "number of instances" column.