Support PR Previews from different repos
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Bernhard Kaindl
Here too - this would be really nice - to support PR previews from a fork.
In addition, it would be good if PR previews would be done when the target branch of a PR is changed from another branch to the branch for configured for previews.
Also, it would be good if re-opening a closed PR (not just the initial open) would generate a preview.
Tom Hicks
Another stacked PR user here (Graphite) and this is a real pain point for us.
Can Duruk
Since we started using Stacked PRs, this became a big challenge for us!
Lenz Grimmer
I would like to chime in here to voice our interest in this feature. Submitting pull requests from a personal fork of a github repo is a very common workflow that's actively encouraged by github themselves:
Not being able to see previews for these types of PRs is a challenge for open source projects that depend on external contributions from developers that usually do not have commit rights on the upstream git repository.
James Bradbury
Is this a feature yet or possible with Preview Environments perhaps?
Tyler Gearing
This feature should include previews when PRs are made between branches i.e. branch -> branch
Tyler Gearing: I don't get it. Do you mean the head branch and the base branch of a PR should be in the same repo?
Tyler Gearing
ouuan: my apologies for the confusion I edited my comment to make more sense
Hope this will be prioritized:
This would be 100% useful, and would be the expected behavior of PR Previews, based on the documentation.
For our use case, we fork our repository per-developer, and PR requests are made to our upstream (main) repo.
PR Previews documentation states:
"Once enabled, every new PR opened on the base branch for your service will automatically create a new instance of the service based on the code in the PR."
It doesn't say or imply "only PRs opened from the original repository".