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Feature Requests

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Enable preview environment group override
Proposal It would be really nice to have the following syntax available in render.yaml : envVars: - fromGroup: my-production-env-group - fromGroupPreviewOverride: my-preview-env-group This problem has come up several times in the community and is one of the most important parts of a streamlined CI/CD workflow. I would love to see it on the roadmap :) Problem statement Currently, there are 3 options for overriding environment variables in preview environments: Solution 1 Define them in plaintext within render.yaml : envVars: - key: MY_ENV_VAR value: production-value previewValue: preview-value This works for values that can be shared, but is not suitable for private secrets (which is a pretty common use-case) Solution 2 Define them with sync: false and manually fill them in on each PR. This works, but is extremely time consuming, especially if your env file has 10+ variables to fill in. Solution 3 (workaround) Omit environment groups from render.yaml altogether, but still reference them in your services. For example: envVars: - fromGroup: my-production-env-group - fromGroup: my-preview-env-group From here, you must write additional logic into your application to choose the correct variable based on the environment. let myVariable; if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { myVariable = process.env.LOCAL_VALUE } if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { // https://render.com/docs/environment-variables#all-services if (process.env.IS_PULL_REQUEST) { myVariable = process.env.PREVIEW_VALUE } else { myVariable = process.env.PROD_VALUE } } In my opinion, this 3rd solution is the best, but still isn't great because it requires you to expose production variables in your preview environment.


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